CLIENT: Meander Valley Council
LOCATION: Westbury, Tasmania
YEAR: 2019
CONTRACTOR: GLB Constructions
Following the upgrades, the Westbury Clubrooms is a light and modern building, providing light open and flexible spaces, including great amenities and a multipurpose community function room.
Philp Lighton Architects was engaged by the Meander Valley Council for a major refurbishment and addition to the existing clubrooms at the Westbury Recreation Grounds.
The existing building was upgraded to include two generous changerooms for teams plus the addition of unisex umpires’ facilities and an elevated scorer’s box.
The new clubrooms include a large commercial kitchen and function room to accommodate 150 people. The function room provides an expansive outlook to the grounds, bleeding out to a dedicated outdoor viewing area that is sheltered from the elements by the large overhang of the roof.