CLIENT: Tasmanian Government
LOCATION: Prospect, Tasmania
YEAR: 2018
CONTRACTOR: Vos Construction
The design of the new Silverdome entry and concourse is a vibrant meshing of the bright excitement of the high-speed velodrome held within the warm timbers and natural materials of the surrounding environment.
The centrifugal forces generated through cycle track racing have influenced the form of the concourse roof and in periodic places along the façade the envelope is broken and light and colour is spun out of the building.
The striking front entrance was conceived during master planning considerations when it was identified that it was unclear to first time users of the site where the arrivals precinct was. The entrance presents to these users arriving by vehicle a colourful way finding element which leans out and away from the existing velodrome in a dramatic departure from the existing architectural language. For the users approaching from the reserve either on bike or walking the entrance is far more reserved and presents the warm welcoming tones of timber, light and shelter.