CLIENT: Tasmanian Health Service
LOCATION: Launceston, Tasmania
YEAR: 2019
CONTRACTOR: Fairbrother
The Launceston General Hospital Paediatric Inpatient Unit project was a redevelopment and expansion of the existing Children’s Ward to expand patient capacity and bring the ward in line with current Australasian Health Facility Guidelines.
The development of the Paediatric Inpatient Unit project provides an expanded footprint in excess of 2000m2, providing the Hospital with more single occupancy rooms.
The development incorporates a dedicated adolescent mental health unit, providing six dedicated mental health bedrooms and separate lounge / activity room and secure courtyard facilities.
The theme adopted for the ward was derived from the Australian Native Landscape, with art works commissioned to complement the development. The palette of colours was selected in collaboration with the Users and Hospital Management to complement their cleaning regime while acknowledging the uniqueness of the Children’s Ward environment.
Externally the building makes reference to the 1940’s addition to the original Hospital located on the opposite side of Charles Street.